Are you wondering what your dreams or nightmares mean?

Come, explore your dreams with Jesus!

Women's 4 Week Event
Learn how to let Jesus be your dream coach...

Come, explore
your dreams
with Jesus!


We are spending a month
deep diving together...

Starting in January...

We are unpacking the basics of understanding our dreams
through the guidance of Holy Spirit according to Scripture.

PLUS, we will be unpacking your dreams together!

This continues to be a powerful experience!

Join us for 4 weeks
inside the Freedom Coaching Circle

2 Meeting Options:

Tuesdays 11am - 12:30pm PST / 2pm - 3:30pm EST
Fridays 9am - 10:30am. PST / 12pm - 1:30pm EST

*Replays and handouts available.

Our first week is Jan 7/10!

Here's the 4 week overview!

*Apply now!

Join us...

Or learn more...
Join us for the
4 Week Event for Women:

Encounter Jesus in your Dreams!

Invite your friends to join you on the adventure

See you there!

‘This is what I will do in the last days, God says:
    I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.
Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
    your young men will see visions,
    and your old men will have dreams.
Yes, even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

- Acts 2:17, 18

Dear woman of faith on the journey,

The Lord is pouring out dreams and visions in this season. 

In these times of uncertainty,
we have a unique opportunity!

Are you ready to seek the Lord
on what He wants to pour out for you?

This is the time for women to gather and discern what God is speaking.

For four weeks... I will be teaching
what has transformed my walk with God,
the lives of my students and clients...
when it comes to
visions in the day and night.

I daily coach women 
into greater freedom and joy in Christ!

Women often come to me
carrying a mountain of disappointment and burdens,

confused by their dreams or visions.  

They might even feel robbed of rest by troubling nightmares.

They are
amazed at the breakthrough Jesus brings
through seemingly mundane dreams
or how
He redeems even the worst nightmare!

Together, we watch how... 

Jesus turns mourning into joy,
and ashes into beauty!

My goal is to coach you into a deeper relationship with Jesus hearing His voice clearly - including how He's speaking to you in your dreams and visions.

When you learn to hear and discern His voice
(including through your dreams)
according to Scripture, it changes everything!

I will take you alongside other women
through hearing Jesus through your dreams and visions.

*If you think you don't dream
or don't remember your dreams...

We will learn how to increase your dreams
and how to remember them,
in order to invite Jesus to speak into them!

You'll notice an increase in your dreams at night
- filled with His revelation!

This could forever change the way
you go to sleep each night!

You will look forward to going to sleep each night
to explore with your Good Shepherd.

Invite a friend and enjoy the fun together!

Learn how to invite Jesus to speak 
to your fears, heart wounds, burdens, dreams and heart desires.

This incredible journey with your dreams is rooted in Biblical truth and will transform your life.

You will be equipped with tools to guide you into Christ-centered dream interpretation according to the promises of Scripture.


Encounter Jesus in the Your Dreams!

Women Hearing God's Voice Together

Encounter Jesus More Deeply
Is this you?
Do you have a heart to hear Jesus speak specifically into your dreams and visions, and into your relationships and circumstances? 

Do you long for... 
  • Jesus' perfect love to drive out fear, 
  • his joy to push back depression, 
  • his revelation to provide clarity amidst confusion,
  • his hands to provide healing?

Are you a woman who…
  • loves Jesus but longs to hear him more clearly?
  • gets refreshed and energized
    by being with other like-minded women?

Do you want to learn and practice how to hear God's voice more clearly and how to make sense of your dreams and visions?

If you said “yes” to any of these, this Adventure with us is for you!
Inside this LIVE ONLINE

We are going to coach you, encourage you, and give you tools to invite God to speak clearly into your dreams, visions, journey, community, workplace, and sphere of influence so you can...

•    Experience breakthrough, freedom and healing from heaven through your dreams!
•    Learn to hear God’s voice for yourself according to Scripture
•    Step into the promises and fullness of what God has for you!

Come hear how others have been impacted by hearing God through the dreams...

Be inspired for your own journey!


“This Dream event seemed to me to go to a new level. There was so much freedom in what was spoken and shared from everyone who took part. Awesome how you are partnering with the heart of God and in doing so, the dried up hungry souls are being touched with living water.💖🤩🥰”
Join us for Live Online Interactive Coaching

5+ hours of live training paired with practice sessions, activations, and encouragement along the way!

Easy-to-Use Tools

Access to PDFs and templates for activating your ears to hear Jesus speak to you in your dreams!


You’ll get access to our private group filled with women just like you who desire to receive more healing, freedom and breakthrough in Christ.

We will have 2 LIVE options:

*Starting in January, going for 4 weeks!
Between Jan 6 - 31!


11am - 12:30pm PST /
2pm - 3:30pm EST


9am - 10:30am PST
/ 12pm - 1:30pm EST


You can jump on LIVE 

together with other women

or if you miss ,
simply watch the replays!




Women: Dreaming with God!

This powerful, interactive experience includes:

The Basics of Hearing God through Your Dreams
Learn how to interpret your dreams through biblical principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

What to Do with What You’ve Heard
Discover how to apply God’s insights from your dreams to your life.

Stewarding Your Dreams
Learn how to treat your dreams as precious gifts from God.

Walking Others Through Their Dreams
Gain tools to help others—family, friends, even children—hear God’s voice through their dreams.

*This will be an opportunity to unpack your own dreams - with the help of women hungry to hear God with you!

Handouts provided for you
to reference over and over.

Our desire is that more women
will walk in freedom with Jesus


Start today! :)


Here’s what women are saying about previous online events.
Be inspired for your own journey!


"God has clearly anointed you to speak truth over so many and I'm very very grateful that you are walking in obedience to His calling.  I appreciate you and thank God for you and for this time together!

Awesome teaching from Merri Ellen that was clearly Holy Spirit led and time with other women who are hungry to hear from God filled my soul.  I love how Merri Ellen led us to ask questions directly to Holy Spirit and then to stop and listen for Him to answer. Transformational!”

Val Thiessen

“It was fabulous! This will change my walk with Jesus to a deeper way in hearing and seeing Him.

I can't thank you enough for this experience it was so super awesome!!

Camilla Higginbottom

“Merri Ellen, this was just fantastic, so life giving! Thank you so much for letting me take part in this wonderful adventure! I am just so grateful for all of these women, their stories and their shares! Thank you, thank you!!!! Amazeballs!!!!”

Gail Derksen

“I felt that there was something about Merri Ellen that spoke to me.  I find Merri Ellen very approachable and helpful in the advice she gives. Encouraging!

...I can KNOW that He IS there and over time I hope to feel Him and hear Him.”

Karen Guenther

"Thanks so much for taking us through this. I am excited to go deeper and experience more and hopefully bring a lot of people along with me on the journey. The event was Abundant."

Kyriel Funk

"This has refreshed me to step back in to the practices that I need to be upheld. I can lean in and listen to Jesus and join in battle on behalf of others! Thank you!! ;) Refreshing!"


Kathleen Doll

“This event was more than expected. May the Lord multiply the fruit from this ministry and may we grow up in Jesus.  

I was Awakened!”
Lori Kraul

“The power in letting Jesus direct the prayer!

What hope and joy there is in community prayer and learning. It’ll continue to build into my life.

It has changed the way I pray, the way I fight spiritual warfare. I will… share it, share it, share it!

The gift exchange with Jesus is always powerful. Refreshing.”

Raquel Foth

"I will enjoy  JESUS a whole lot more :-) Very well organized, thorough and great response in the leadership. THANK YOU.  You passion is contagious. Exciting!"


Sandy Phillipps

"So honored to have been accepted into the coaching circle. I know Papa carried me here. Thankful. This was obviously a labor of love. Thank you Merri Ellen and team for the Grace and connection both in technology and Spirit. It felt like Kingdom in the Marketplace rather than a hired transactional event. Blessings on you all. Joyous!"

Sue Carpenter 

“I loved the FELLOWSHIP FELLOWSHIP FELLOWSHIP!! With Holy Spirit and His children! All the other keys fit under this umbrella! I am being spurred on to stay in much more constant communication & relationship with God.

Nothing but praise for this Glorious Gathering!! Besides actually sitting in the room with Merri Ellen & all these ladies....nope, nothing was missed!! It was ENCOURAGING (in a boosting way!!;)"


Constance Galubenski

More Testimonials from Women:

"God speaks to me!"

"Merri Ellen, I cannot explain to you what's happening in my heart. God is good. Listening to the Holy Spirit is so much sweeter than all the other voices I've been hearing for years."

"I have learned some very valuable tools that I go through every day in my quiet time and when I pray for others. I pray for others in a whole new way and I am waking up expecting Jesus to meet with me each morning. I am so enjoying being in His presence, both on my own and with others."

"I love the questions that we went through for various situations that helped lead us in meeting with Jesus and I really appreciate the scripture passages included in this teaching as well as the time we spent actually practicing what we were learning.

I have used what I learned in these sessions every day since and it has been a real paradigm shift for me and others around me as they have seen a change and excitement in me. I have been a believer since I was young but I have never experienced the kind of relationship with Jesus that I am now since putting into practice these ways of hearing God."

"I've told so many people about you and how much I enjoyed learning from you.  It's been amazing for me and I feel like I've really just begun on this journey!"

"Thank you so much for this. There is so much going on that I've been encouraged by since the course. Jesus is so amazing and I love the time I am spending with him. It's opened up a whole new way of seeing things... Kingdom perspective!"

"Meeting you was so timely. I was a believer for 17 years and just realized how misinformed I was. I don't think I believed my Good, Good Father. If people knew the truth of the Word, they would be free indeed."

Private Session Reviews:

"Before I worked with Merri Ellen, I had been battling fear, depression, and anxiety. I needed my life back.  I wanted someone to walk with me who was stable, safe and who offered me hope and results in my search to regain the truth. I was looking for answers and comfort. 

In our sessions together, I have received freedom, peace, hope, life and comfort. I look forward to every session and I’m always amazed at how only one session can result in such amazing breakthrough. 

I liked the most that our sessions together were fun. I’ve been able to receive such amazing help and growth while meeting. Merri Ellen puts you at ease and is easy to relate to. I would recommend her services to anyone on the fence because its far beyond what you expect.

Merri Ellen knows Jesus, you can trust her. She helps facilitate a Journey of discovery, healing and reestablishing you in Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I’ve had so much fun too. 

I was introduced to Merri Ellen by a friend. I enjoy that she helps people listen for His voice. Being able to hear from the Lord myself and how personal it is, is far more beneficial than without it. 

Three benefits I’ve experienced as a result of our sessions together? Deliverance, Peace, and Hope! Before I started meeting one on one with Merri Ellen, my life was sad, and less hopeful. These days I’m happier, closer to the Lord and I have a lot less fear and anxiety. 

I love that in our sessions all the honour goes to the Lord!" 

-Nicole Giffen
"Before I met with Merri Ellen, I needed an outside person to hold space for me in my trauma. I needed wisdom, a different perspective, and affirmation. Merri Ellen gave me space to just say what was on my heart without having to worry about judgement. She brought me clarity, and a different perspective. 

I didn’t hire her sooner out of fear and pride.

As a counsellor myself, I worried about confidentiality and judgement. I also worried that she would be fluffy and soft, or stuffy and clinical. Not at all. Merri Ellen is not fluffy and I trusted her to keep my life and brokenness confidential.

What I enjoyed most was her Bible knowledge. She intentionally brings God into the session, and gently but directly addresses the issues. She provides insights and highlights that have been important along the way. I benefited the most with… Clarity. Relief. Confirmation. She’s been an important part of my healing journey. Having her hold space for me validated my pain and my situation. 

If you’re on the fence about meeting with Merri Ellen, get off. Meeting with her is good self-care. It is different than talking to friends because you don't have to worry about burdening or overdoing it in sharing with her. Just get over yourself and go.... she’s great!"

 - Client & herself a Professional Counsellor

“Before I met with Merri Ellen, my life direction was unfocused. Merri Ellen is brilliant at breaking down the fluff to get at the basic needs and wants. She helped me to determine and reach occupation goals. What surprised me the most and brought such joy was her willingness to bring Jesus into our conversations.”

- Caralee Daigle

“Merri Ellen truly leans on the Holy Spirit to speak through her, she desires to give Godly advice and rely on the Word. Before I met with Merri Ellen, my life was a little chaotic, full of anxiety, and struggle. These days, inviting the Spirit in and talking to Him helps me to keep perspective and crushes my anxiety! What has made me the happiest about my sessions with Merri Ellen is how energizing our sessions are. Working in the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing and surprising!!! Thanks so much to Merri Ellen, this has been a wonderful journey!”

- Gail Derksen

“My mom had passed away 6 months ago and I struggled with grieving her loss. It affected my children’s sleep and my emotions and how I handled life. In my sessions with Merri Ellen, I realized that Jesus is closer to me and my situation. That him taking care of me covers my past, my present, and my future, and that healing can be real! Praying together opened my eyes to why I was hurting so badly and Jesus took that lie away and spoke truth into it. My mom is not gone, she is with him.

One of the most helpful parts of our sessions is praying together but also the practical advice on how to deal with strong emotions.

I knew that working with Merri Ellen was the right thing for me to do after my friend had mentioned it to me. Jesus wants to tell you how to find your way back and Merri Ellen has a good way to get Jesus and you together in a room. Before meeting with Merri Ellen, I was tired and very sad and angry. Since our sessions, I am happy. I found rest without sleep. I think it was new for me to pray for my family this way.

I was surprised how Merri Ellen knew what to ask me especially when we talked about my mom’s passing. The whole concept of lies and truth was most helpful.
It’s normal to get stuck, but it’s good to get unstuck together. I find the steps and her approach help me beyond the reasons why I come. I use it during the day when I feel stuck by myself. It has changed the way how I live my faith.”

-Birte Kroeker

Your story is ready to shift too!
For you, for your family line, for your loved ones... 

For your calling...!

"They overcame him (the enemy) 
by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) 
and by the word of their testimony."
- Revelation 12:11


Join Our

Encounter Jesus in Your Dreams

Women Hearing God's Voice


Meet your host and coach…


I'm a Certified Christian Life Coach and Spiritual Director, and I've helped women like you around the world in multiple countries encounter Jesus and receive the healing that only He can bring. 

Since 2003, I have coached over 2 million people (yes, I said 2 million) in over 120 countries through what I have learned in encountering His joy and peace.

(I started in the early days of the internet simply via email and later recorded video teaching. In recent years, it has been LIVE and INTERACTIVE via zoom!)

I have watched God's presence bring more breakthrough in one 50-minute session than years of attending church services or traditional counselling. These have their place but encountering Jesus personally is the gold! He is the Healer, Great Physician and Wonderful Counsellor.

Through my own personal healing journey from ministry burnout, I discovered the transforming power of encountering more of Jesus with Christ-centered heart healing and as a result became passionate about others experiencing that same freedom and healing!

Today, I coach ministry leaders, business professionals, homeschooling moms, and more!

I am dedicated to empowering Jesus followers to truly encounter Jesus all over the world so they can experience Jesus as He really is, and be transformed in the process.

Women everywhere are not yet walking in the fullness of who God created them to be. You can connect with Jesus, receive healing from emotional pain/trauma and make space for God to uncover lies that keep you from living from a whole heart that He paid for on the cross.


Here’s what other women are saying...
“I have been able to hear God’s voice in our sessions. Holy Spirit has been guiding our conversations, revealing things to us. I was losing hope and to hear the Spirit’s voice again. Having Merri Ellen guide me through some exercises has been a gift. Before meeting with Merri Ellen, I found I was so stuck in my own head with my own thoughts that I was unable to discern between God’s truth and Satan’s lies.

I really appreciated having the prayer and guidance with Merri Ellen’s direction. I appreciated having someone to walk alongside me and help me to sift through my thoughts and discern what is from God and what isn’t.

I have been to many counsellors and Merri Ellen brings a uniqueness I haven’t had. Authenticity, willingness to share, honesty, encouraging words and allowing God to intervene and direct our time together. Allowing God into every session makes all the difference.

Before meeting with Merri Ellen, I was numb—feeling spiritually dead. Stuck in the depression. I wasn’t finding the motivation to do the things I wanted to do and I felt spiritually disconnected. Today, I feel more spiritually alive. I look forward to coming each time to meet with Merri Ellen.”

- Nicole Gelderman
"I contacted Merri Ellen when I was in a season of transition and change and needed to gain some insights as to where God was leading me and what direction He was going. I needed confidence and to overcome some fears. 

What I enjoy most about my sessions with Merri Ellen is how she asks the right questions and allows me to hear the answers from the Holy Spirit for myself.  So, it doesn’t build a dependency on someone to hear God for you, but builds your own confidence in being able to hear and see what God is saying and doing for myself.  Very important.  I have received direction from the Lord and insights into my own journey. 

Highlights of my very first session? 

Encountering Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit through multiple visions. Being asked the right questions to find the answers God has. It was so fluid, (it seemed that I was sitting in an open heaven, with no hinderances to seeing, hearing or feeling. Quite possibly one of the clearest encounters I’ve had in a long, long time.) It was very freeing not having to take notes so I wasn’t afraid of forgetting what God had done.

A trusted friend referred me to her and I’m very glad for that! 

I immediately recommended her to my sister who has also had sessions with Merri Ellen. I told my sister this helped to encounter God in a fresh and effortless way.  

Before I met with Merri Ellen, I felt stuck, blocked, fearful, uncertain.  Since our sessions together, I have new tools to move forward and people in my circle who I can turn to when I do get stuck.

What surprised me and made me the happiest about our sessions together?

Merri Ellen didn’t give me answers, she helped me to find my own answers.  She asked me the right questions. She opened the heavens, or provided a very clean spiritual atmosphere where it was easy to move and hear in the Holy Spirit.  No spiritual interference of blockages.  

Her ministry is a fountain of strength to others and I am blessed to drink from it. My heart is very grateful! 

- Angela, Ministry Leader


Encounter Jesus in Your Dreams

Women Hearing God's Voice Together

What’s included:

5 plus hours of live training paired with practice sessions, activations, and encouragement so you can hear Jesus and encounter His heart for your journey!


Access to my personal PDF library of journaling templates and activations for enjoying powerful interactive encounters with Jesus to make sense of your dreams and visions.


Filled with women just like you who desire to hear Jesus and receive more healing, freedom and breakthrough in Christ.

Hear Stories from Women on the Journey!
Come hear stories of women who are leaders in their circles with beautiful hearts hungry for God!

(Total Value: $729 of Group Life Coaching & Training)

See you there!

Life Transformation is closer than you think.

Thanks in advance for joining us!
From Merri Ellen Giesbrecht
Life Coach & Spiritual Director

Get started on a new adventure!